Cosmic Tarot’s Zodiac Beauty Edit
Introducing our Zodiac Beauty Edit. A new, monthly series containing make-up, skincare and wellness products that I’m currently using and loving whilst meshing my love for beauty and astrology into one. The best part? I’m making recommendations for each zodiac sign because *I know* what you all love.

May Your Lucky Girl Era Begin: Jupiter Turns Direct In Taurus
On December 30, Jupiter stations direct in Taurus! Jupiter entered this sensual earth sign on May 16, 2023 and will stay until May 24, 2024. While it’s been in retrograde since September 4th, you may have been reflecting heavily on your stability, resources, finances, love and what you value most. It’s also likely that growth has felt stagnant or things have been taking longer than expected during this time. As we come out of retrograde, we’re now ready to put our thoughts into action and incorporate changes where necessary so that we may expand.

Chiron Stationed Direct In Aries: What This Means For Your Zodiac Sign
Chiron, also known as the Wounded Healer, is an asteroid that represents our deepest wounds and the potential for inner healing and transformation. During this time, we are presented with lessons and themes relating to the area of our birth chart where Aries resides. Your conscious awareness of your pain is coming to the forefront and you can no longer deny or ignore the feelings that the Universe is showing you.
Workshop Recap: Manifestation Magic
Here’s what went down at our Manifestation Magic workshop on 11/11 at Venice Beach ✨ The day started with a healthy, plant-based breakfast courtesy of Café Gratitude. We interwove the food affirmations of I AM LIVELY & I AM VALUED into our day with an affirming message as a reminder of our worth and what it is we deserve. Afterwards, our Founder, Alesia, pulled Oracle cards to obtain the collective message that truly resonated with manifesting: “I use my emotions to fuel my path” and “I deserve to give & receive love”. As an added bonus, a Tarot card was pulled & naturally, Temperance popped out! Temperance is all about creating balance, alchemy, healing, patience, divine timing & being divinely guided. With manifesting, we have to trust that what we desire will come when we’re ready to receive it so we must release control, while having faith in knowing that we’re being led to what’s meant for us.

The Benefits Of Healing Through Water
As of late, we have been finding gratitude and peace through water. Water, with its countless benefits, has long been regarded as a potent force for healing — both physically and spiritually. Its soothing and flowing nature envelops our senses, offering solace and a precious release from the burdens of stress, tension, and negative emotions. Whether we find solace in a tranquil bath, immerse ourselves in the vastness of the ocean, or relish the gentle patter of raindrops, water effortlessly creates an environment conducive to deep relaxation and inner peace.

How Saturn Going Direct In Pisces Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign.
On November 4th, Saturn, the disciplined and wise planet, turned direct in Pisces, igniting a significant astrological shift. With Saturn undergoing its forward motion in the ethereal and spiritual sign of Pisces, profound transformations are likely to unfold. While Saturn was retrograde, there was introspection and the examination of our boundaries, responsibilities, and commitments within the realms of spirituality, creativity, and emotional well-being. If you felt uncomfortable and challenged, feeling the need to go inward - that’s good! We were encouraged to confront the matters that we have been avoiding.
What’s The Deal With Runes And Dice As A Divination Practice?
Tarot readings are a popular form of divination, but did you know that another beautiful form of divination is the use of Runes and Dice? Both Runes and Dice can provide additional insights and perspectives in addition to Tarot readings.

10 Ways To Cultivate Mindfulness During Difficult Times
The world feels heavy. If you’re like us, we are overwhelmed as we grapple with the reality that we are facing collectively. There is mourning. There is grief. There is sadness. As we enter Scorpio season, these feelings will deepen and intensify, for the sign of death & rebirth is here to dismantle what we thought we knew in order to build anew and create a better way to move forward. With all that’s happening, it can be difficult to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of negative news, events and misinformation. However, it's important to remember that we can still find moments of peace and calm amidst the chaos. Here are 10 ways for practicing mindfulness during difficult times.