10 Ways To Cultivate Mindfulness During Difficult Times
The world feels heavy. If you’re like us, we are overwhelmed as we grapple with the reality that we are facing collectively. There is mourning. There is grief. There is sadness. As we enter Scorpio season, these feelings will deepen and intensify, for the sign of death & rebirth is here to dismantle what we thought we knew in order to build anew and create a better way to move forward. With all that’s happening, it can be difficult to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of negative news, events and misinformation. However, it's important to remember that we can still find moments of peace and calm amidst the chaos. Here are 10 ways for practicing mindfulness during difficult times:
Start your day off with a mindfulness meditation. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breath, letting go of any thoughts or worries. The purpose of this exercise is to come back to yourself.
Take breaks throughout the day to check in with how you’re feeling. Take a few deep breaths and notice how you're feeling in the moment. Are you tense? Anxious? Acknowledge your feelings without judgment.
Practice gratitude. Take a few moments each day to focus on the things you're grateful for, no matter how small they may seem. While it may feel like you aren’t allowed to be grateful for what you have when others don’t have what you have, it is okay to be thankful for your life. Try not to get stuck in a comparison loop and instead, change your perspective: “I am grateful for the life I have and will use it to do good and raise awareness for others”.
Limit your exposure to news and social media. While it's important to stay informed, constantly scrolling through negative headlines can take a toll on your mental health. A constant or frequent intake of the news and social media is an energy exchange that feeds into negative emotions. Yes, be outraged over what’s happening but also keep balance to avoid burnout and feelings of burden or resentment. Take a break when you need to.
5. Connect with nature. Spend time outside, whether it's going for a walk in the park or simply sitting outside and feeling the sun on your face. Journal your thoughts, feelings. Write a poem. Recharging in nature is a beautiful way to stay connected to the core essence of who you are without feeling as though you’re losing yourself in the process of what is happening. It’s easy to stay miserable and lack hope, but when we take care of ourselves we can show up better in the world.
6. Practice self-care. Take care of your body, mind and spirit by eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Take care of you by filling up your own cup first. This is not an act of selfishness, it is self-love.
7. Practice compassion for yourself and others. Remember that everyone is struggling in their own way, and be kind to yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed. Acknowledge what you need to feel but don’t allow it to consume you. Some people want us to be engulfed in these negative emotions and feelings so that we depend on them to give us the answers or show us the way, but a form of radical resistance is to do the opposite.
8. Stay present in the moment. All we have is today and what we do today makes a difference for tomorrow. Try not to worry too much about what will happen in the future or get stuck on dwelling on the past. Acknowledge the past if it means you’re taking in information as a point of reference and for knowledge. The past is a powerful way to learn about all the things that we shouldn’t do again. But focus on what you can do right now to take care of yourself and those around you.
9. Connect with others. Reach out to friends and loved ones for support, or consider joining a mindfulness group or online community. What we need more than ever right now is more empathy and compassion, and we can build that through community. Coming together with others who care about world events and how they can make a difference is important. This is the energy you want to surround yourself with. When connecting with others, just be sure you’re being mindful in asking them if they have the capacity to listen.
10. Remember that mindfulness is a practice. It takes time and effort to cultivate a mindful mindset, so be patient with yourself and keep practicing.