May Your Lucky Girl Era Begin: Jupiter Turns Direct In Taurus
May your lucky girl era begin. On December 30, 2023, Jupiter stationed direct in Taurus! Jupiter is associated with blessings, growth, expansion, and good fortune.
Taurus is an earth sign associated with material possessions, finances, and stability. With Jupiter going direct in Taurus, it can bring luck, opportunity, growth and expansion in these areas. A shift in focus may be turned towards financial investments, building wealth, or expanding a business. This transit can also bring a sense of stability and security, as well as an enhanced appreciation for the beauty and abundance surrounding us. If you’ve been putting in the work, prepare to reap what you’ve shown. Here's what Jupiter is blessing you with (check Sun, Moon & Rising):
Aries: Opportunities for financial growth and stability. This is a good time to invest in yourself and your future.
Taurus: Jupiter's direct motion in your sign brings good fortune and abundance as well as a sense of renewed energy and optimism. You’re able to pursue new opportunities and experiences with confidence.
Gemini: A focus on your relationships, both personal and professional. A good time to strengthen existing connections and make new ones. Spiritual growth and self-reflection, your intuition will be heightened.
Cancer: A renewed focus on health and wellness. You may feel motivated to take better care of yourself and make positive changes to your lifestyle.
Leo: Opportunities for creativity and self-expression. A good time to pursue your passions and explore new hobbies or interests. Growth and expansion to your social circle.
Virgo: A renewed focus on home and family life that will inspire you to make changes to your living situation or spend more time nurturing your relationships with loved ones. You may experience an increase in your financial stability.
Libra: Opportunities for growth and expansion in your career or professional life. You’ll feel more confident and self-assured to be able to achieve new levels of success and attract recognition.
Scorpio: A focus on personal growth and self-improvement. Feeling motivated to explore new spiritual or philosophical ideas and pursue a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Sagittarius: Opportunities for financial growth and stability. You’re able to make progress towards your financial goals and build greater security for the future.
Capricorn: You may experience a boost in your career and financial stability. This is an excellent time to focus on your long-term goals and invest in your future.
Aquarius: You’ll benefit from exploring your passions, creativity and self-expression. You may feel more connected to your inner wisdom and intuition, which can guide you towards your true purpose.
Pisces: A renewed focus on health and wellness. Growth and expansion to your personal relationships. You may meet new people who can help you achieve your goals.